Party Status Achieved at CMC

On June 23, 2021, Friends of Olde Berlin Town received party status at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Case Management Conference on the Official Plan and zoning bylaw amendment application regarding 22 Weber St W (Case PL210104).  A number of neighbours and the Architectural Conservancy Ontario North Waterloo Region Branch secured participant status. The full decision from the Tribunal summarizing the Case Management Conference (CMC) is available here.

Party status grants Friends of Olde Berlin Town the right to fully participate in the hearing, including the right to raise issues, receive copies of all documents, make opening and closing remarks, examine and cross examine witnesses and be a part of a possible settlement.  Party status also brings with it the obligation to provide evidence and assist the Tribunal in resolving the case.

Participant status grants the opportunity to contribute a written submission.

We also secured a second Case Management Conference date – 10am, October 5, 2021 — allowing all those who did not receive notice of the first CMC the opportunity to participate.  If you communicated with the City or the OLT on the 22 Weber St W application or live within 120 metres of 22 Weber St W, but were not notified of the June 23rd Case Management Conference, please contact us at and/or the OLT Case Coordinator Kimberly Livingstone,   All parties are expected to prepare a joint draft Procedural Order (a plan for the Tribunal) and Issues List to be considered at the October 5, 2021 CMC.

We learned that the City’s Planner on the file (Juliane vonWesterholt) resigned.  The City’s lawyer was consequently not in a position to submit a list of issues.

Finally, we invited the City and the applicant (owner of 22 Weber St W) to join us in hosting a Neighbourhood Information Meeting on the application.  Details to follow.

We need your assistance and support. Please visit our new website,, if you have not already.  There, you can find details on the application and our position and links to our petition and to make a tax-deductible donation.  Please be in touch with any questions to

Friends of Olde Berlin Town supports compatible, inclusive development that permits existing neighbours to thrive and the heritage district to endure.