January 2022 Newsletter

A quick update, neighbour, on the progress of our Friends of Olde Berlin Town campaign in pursuit of a compatible, inclusive development of 22 Weber St W that permits existing neighbours to thrive and the heritage district to endure.
As expected, the Applicant, a corporation named “30 Duke St Ltd”, has re-submitted their Official Plan Amendment and Zoning ByLaw Amendment application to the City.
The City has scheduled a new Neighbourhood Information Meeting for 7pm, March 3rd, at which you can hear about the proposal and ask questions.   The Heritage Impact Assessment will be reviewed at Heritage Kitchener at 4pm, March 1st.  You can submit questions and comments for Heritage Kitchener’s consideration and can delegate before Heritage Kitchener.  Further details on both meetings is expected in the coming weeks and will be posted on the Friends of Olde Berlin Town website www.obtfriends.ca when available.   In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the supporting documents and prepare your questions and comments.
The Applicant’s revised application would enable a 19-storey build.  Their previous application would have enabled a 15-storey build.  Some key areas of non-conformity include:

CriteriaExisting zoning (Bylaw 85-1)City-proposed zoning
(bylaw 2019-051)1
Applicant’s first proposalApplicant’s revised  proposal
Min. front yard setback3m1.5m0.8m0.8m
Max. building height2x distance from rear property line26m
(8 storeys)2
Max. Floor Space Ratio3446.27.8
Min. landscaped area10%15%8%8%
UnitsNot regulatedNot regulated126162
Min. parkingDependent on number of unitsDependent on number of units21 spaces
(104 required)
16 spaces
(183 required)
Min. visitor parkingDependent on number of unitsDependent on number of units3 spaces
(21 required)
8 spaces
(38 required)

1 The new zoning bylaw has yet to be fully implemented by City Council.
2 The maximum building height is limited to 12 metres within 15 metres of the rear property line.
3 Floor Space Ratio is calculated by dividing the building floor area by the lot area.

Please note: while the City is reviewing the revised application, the decision rests with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).  At 10am, Monday, April 4th, 2022, the OLT will consider potential motions to dismiss on jurisdictional grounds, acceptance of additional participant- and party-status requests and revisions to the Draft Procedural Order.  The actual hearing is scheduled to begin on August 29, 2022.

How can you help?
1. Review the supporting documents and prepare your questions and comments.
2. Sign our petition and encourage others to sign on, too.  As Official Plan amendment applications are subject to regional review, everyone throughout the Region of Waterloo is welcome to sign.
3. Contribute to our campaign.  We continue to need your support to pay our lawyer and expert witnesses to uphold our communally-approved land-use legislation and Heritage District Plan.  Every contribution counts, regardless of size.
4. Volunteer.Our doors are open.

Further information is available at our campaign website, www.obtfriends.ca.  Please be in touch with any questions to obtfriends@gmail.com.

Please share this message widely.  We are succeeding together.

Thank you,
Hal Jaeger
on behalf of Friends of Olde Berlin Town

Friends of Olde Berlin Town supports compatible, inclusive development that permits existing neighbours to thrive and the heritage district to endure.