June 23, 10am
The Tribunal has set aside 1 day for this CMC. The event will be held using the GoToMeeting service. The appellant(s), applicant, municipality or approval authority, and those persons who intend to request party or participant status, are asked to log into the video hearing https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/625806941 at least 15 minutes before the start of the event to test their video and audio connections. All persons are expected to access and set up the application well in advance of the event to avoid unnecessary delay.
The desktop application can be downloaded at GoToMeeting or a web application is available: https://app.gotomeeting.com/home.html. A compatible web browser for this service is Chrome. Persons who experience technical difficulties accessing the GoToMeeting application or who only wish to listen to the event can connect to the event by calling into an audio only telephone line: 1 888 455 13 89. The access code is 625 806 941.