A quick update, neighbour, on the progress of our Friends of Olde Berlin Town campaign in pursuit of a compatible, inclusive development of 22 Weber St W that permits existing neighbours to thrive and the Heritage District to endure.
On October 26, 2022, the Ontario Land Tribunal convened a fifth Case Management Conference (CMC) on the developer’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment appeals which seek to double the upper limit of permitted floor space and reduce setbacks and other zoning requirements. At the same meeting, the Tribunal considered the developer’s additional appeal of Kitchener Council’s August 22, 2022 refusal of the developer’s Heritage Permit Application. The developer further asked that all the appeals be consolidated into a single hearing. The parties settled on a hearing to proceed in two phases, with the Heritage Permit Application appeal to be scheduled after the Tribunal’s written decision on the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment appeals.
In December 2022, the Tribunal released its order:
- ‘Participant’ status (the right to submit a written statement) is conferred to Kae Elgie,
- the appeals are consolidated into a single hearing comprised of two phases, and
- the Procedural Order which governs the hearing is finalized.
The Procedural Order provides for all parties and participants to be granted status at the consolidated appeals. Written statements from participants are due by January 27, 2023 and the hearing is to commence at 10am, March 13, 2023. The complete Procedural Order and list of witnesses to appear at the hearing is available here.
We continue to need financial and volunteer contributions as we prepare for the hearing. Please
- Contribute to our campaign. We need funds to secure legal assistance and have our expert witnesses testify at the hearing. Every contribution counts, regardless of size. Kindly visit our website for details.
- Offer to help with our campaign by contacting us at obtfriends@gmail.com
Further information is available at our campaign website, www.obtfriends.ca. We welcome your questions and comments at obtfriends@gmail.com.